• Chief Justice of India D.Y.Chandrachud announced that the Supreme Court will soon be linked to the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG).
• National Judicial Data Grid is a repository of data relating to pendency of cases and disposal rate of courts right from the taluka level to the national level.
• At present the portal shows data only up to the High Court level.
• The CJI stated that uploading of data on the NJDG will ensure transparency and accountability in the judicial domain.
National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG)
• National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) is a flagship project created as an online platform under the eCourts Project.
• It is a system for monitoring pendency and disposal of the cases in High Courts and subordinate courts.
• It provides a database of orders, judgments and case details of 18,735 district and subordinate courts and High Courts created as an online platform under the eCourts Project.
• Data is updated on a near real-time basis by the connected district and taluka courts.
• The statistics of pendency at national, state, district and at individual court level is available to anyone visiting the portal.
• It also serves as a decision support system to the management authorities like Supreme Courts and respective High Courts, to monitor pendency on varied attributes for effective decision-making.
• The World Bank has praised the National Judicial Data Grid in the Ease of Doing Business report for 2018, that it made possible to generate case management reports, thereby making it easier to enforce contracts.
• NJDG provides the consolidated figures of pendency of cases.
• Statistical data is automatically updated daily.
• Pending civil and criminal cases are segregated into varied categories.
• Information pertaining to institution and disposal of cases is shown.
• Statistical figures are provided in a drill-down manner.
• Developed using elastic search technology.
• Works as a monitoring tool to identify, manage and reduce pendency of cases.
• Helps to provide timely inputs for making policy decisions to reduce delays in disposal of cases.
• Facilitates better monitoring of court performance and thus, serves as an efficient resource management tool.
• Promotes transparency and access of information for all the stakeholders.
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