• World
  • Jul 31

What is the role of ISTIC under UNESCO?

The International Science, Technology, and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC) under the auspices of UNESCO together with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is organising a STI Conclave on ‘Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Livelihoods’ in New Delhi.

What is the purpose of ISTIC?

• The establishment of the International Science, Technology, and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC-UNESCO) marked a successful outcome of the Second South Summit of the Heads of State and government of the Group of 77 and China in Doha held in June 2005.

• During the Summit, UNESCO was urged to develop and implement a programme for South-South cooperation in science and technology. 

• The objective was to facilitate the integration of a developmental approach into national science, technology, and innovation policies, to build capacity in science and technology by providing policy advice and exchanging experiences and best practices, and to create a problem-solving network of centres of excellence in developing countries. 

• Additionally, it aimed to support the exchange of students, researchers, scientists, and technologists among developing countries.

• Malaysia accepted UNESCO’s invitation to host ISTIC-UNESCO, and the centre was inaugurated in Kuala Lumpur on May 22, 2008.

• As a UNESCO Category-2 Science Centre, ISTIC’S activities are at the international, regional, and sub-regional level in scope.

• Its mission is to act as an international platform for South-South Cooperation in science, technology and innovation.

Objectives of ISTIC:

i) To provide scientists, technologists and innovators and policy-makers from countries in the South with training, both short and long-term, in specified areas with the aim of improving their capacity in managing STI systems. This would include fellowships, training courses and workshops incorporating both specialised and project-oriented training.

ii) To establish links between academia and industry in order to facilitate information transfer between the public and private sectors, and the development of well-planned and relevant knowledge-based industries in participating countries.

iii) To address both common and specific problems faced by developing countries to set up knowledge-based enterprises in advanced technologies, such as information technology, biotechnology, nano technology etc.

iv) To develop networking and collaborative R&D and training programmes at regional and international levels including linking of designated nodal centre in participating countries.

v) To facilitate information exchange and dissemination.

What are Category 2 institutes?

• Category 2 institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO are a global network of institutions of excellence in the organisation’s domains of competence. 

• Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO are established and funded by Member States to contribute to the achievement of UNESCO’s objectives by way of global, regional, sub-regional or inter-regional activities. 

• They are not legally a part of the organisation, but are associated with it through formal agreements between UNESCO and the Member State hosting the centre. 

• The centres are intended to serve as international or regional centres and poles of expertise or excellence to provide technical assistance and services to Member States, cooperation partners and also to the network of UNESCO field offices. 

• Given their expertise, these institutes and centres contribute to the implementation of UNESCO’s strategic priorities, programmes, and global development agendas, through international and regional cooperation, research, knowledge production, policy advice, and capacity development. 

• Though independent of UNESCO, Category 2 institutes and centres are a privileged partner of the organisation with access to UNESCO’s logo and international and intergovernmental bodies and networks and may leverage on UNESCO’s international reach and convening powers. 

• Category 2 institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO are an integral part of the organisation’s Comprehensive Partnership Strategy.

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